Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's bigger than you think

I was having a conversation with a team leader from a group where currently things are not going well for them.

The main reasons are the undercurrents of dissatisfaction and issues among the members on both personal and their business levels.

I helped the team leader zoom in and identify the personalities who we see as the contributors to the undercurrent.

We identified 3 individuals.

Of the 3, one has an unresolved issue which needs addressing. Another has a personal-work issue which crept up in the team, and is undergoing an 'attitude-attack' so to speak. And still the last one has an ailing business in which the vibes (negative vibes) are being brought into the team.

We are in the midst of resolving these issues and on the crunch of it, both the team leader and I are so perplexed at how people can get so muddled up with their lives that they do not see beyond them.

Folks, a system or everything in life is bigger than you think. We must think with an attitude of solving issues and moving on as there always will be issues, rather than being muddled with pity-parties. Pity parties serve a purpose for a period if time and space however, in a team environment, it doesn't help one bit.

As I was winding down after a very hectic year, this thing has come up and it appears that it needs my immediate and undivided attention!

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