Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coming a long way

This morning, I attended a management meeting of a networking group where the purpose of this meeting was to oversee the administration of the group.

I was very impressed that amidst the pouring rain since 5.30am this morning, all those involved in the management team were present by 7.30am. The hot breakfast certainly helped keep everyone warm and comfortable although all would have been even more comfortable in their warm beds under a warm blanket. And yours truly included.

The team were well prepared for this meeting in all areas: review of performance, growth goals, membership issues, cash-flow and petty cash matters, education plans and goals as well as planning of events to foster greater unity among members.

It was great to note that the Membership Committee from this group are indeed red-hot to borderline white-hot in being firm with the issues surrounding memberships in the group. They were objective in their assessment of each membership in their group. All personalities were put aside. All decisions were made in the interest of the group first.

A good leadership from the group's chairperson has indeed helped the group very much.

Reflecting on this, I think it was a simple seed that was planted months ago: treat people with the respect they deserve while being affirmative on overall mission of the organization.

Today, as I myself am thriving from a series of setbacks in recent times, the energy from this team here has given me hope. They will do very well in their determination to succeed.

Yes folks, you have all come a long way. I am so proud of all you, and you know who you are!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the kind words and encouragement for us; yes,indeed I know whom u are talking about. I believe that as continue striving for excellence in the team, as a result, we can finally see growth in our team and rightfully more business will flow in. let's seize the day together!
