Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Networking education goals for 2010

I was reflecting over the happenings these past few month and have come out with a networking education goals for all the members in the Referral Generation group I lead.

In 2008, a heavy emphasis was given in Open Networking, where we taught all members to engage in effective open-ended questions to generate more business for each other.

While we have kept on revising that, I have this year, 2009, brushed up Visitor Hosting skills for all groups I lead. I believe this has generated effective results for all. Further, this has added a touch of professionalism and polish to the groups.

To ensure continued economic prosperity for all, in 2010, I am going to be focused on empowering all members with the ability of conducting effective 1-2-1 interview meetings with their colleagues in their groups so as to be able to gain deeper understanding, as well as commit to goals in giving referrals to each other.

I believe this will go a long way.

And while I come out with a written plan on this, I am certainly verbalizing it wherever I can.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Neither here nor there

Alright, this is a heavy discussion, and you will need to be up for it:

I was having a conversation with some partners about why I ended up being in their circle.

Sometime in 1997, I read a book titled: Boom, Bust, Echo, written by a Canadian researcher on human demographics and that book discussed how generations are formed and explained why the demographics existing today existed.

The book asserts that those born post World-War II are the Boomers, basically from the soldiers who returned from duty who were having a jolly time re-populating the earth. The babies from this party are called the Boom generation. In other words, those born from 1946 to 1962.

If you look at those born in this generation, you will see them as owners of large and successful businesses, CEOs of large corporations, politicians sitting in high offices.

Then, comes the Bust generation, and these are those born from 1963 up to about 1969, though those born up to 1971 can also be pooled up in the same pond.

The Boom generation started re-producing from about 1971 onwards up to mid 90s. The offsprings from them are the Echo generation.

Okay, got the framework of the discussion? Summary as follows:

Born from 1946 to 1962 are known as Boom generation.

Born from 1963 to 1971 are the Bust generation.

Born from 1972 to mid 90s are the Echo generation.

Now comes the analysis:

I am born in 1969, and am in the Bust generation.

The Boom generation sitting in high offices are still there, albeit some now planning their retirement. And when they retire, who will succeed them? Bear in mind that many have been enjoying this position for a good 10 - 15 years now in senior positions, as their careers progressed.

So now, the succession. Who will succeed these generation? Is it my generation? The Bust generation?

According to the book the answer is a sound No!

Because by that time comes to succeed the Boomers who are retiring, our age groups will be circa 41 - 49, which according to norms, are merely 10 years from our own retirement, and therefore, it is better to prepare someone who is currently below 40 years, age wise and work them up.

Therefore, the Bust generation are by-passed. Of course, there will be exceptions, in certain places and situations.

You see, I feel it in my bones that I am a talented, highly skilled individual. And I am among the best in the industry that I am in.

But will a company succession plan have me in their plans?

If your answer to this is 'Yes' then you need to re-think. Because it was a No!

During my years as a Systems Integrator in some IT firms, I was not just a mere sales-executive writing up proposals and entertaining clients in karaoke parlours in cajoling them to confirm their purchases. I was also offering to them expertise in systems, processes, and enhancements of their company operations.

I was also often providing feedback to my own company management on various elements of business such as operations, warehousing, even cash flow and vendor management. And was my input as good as those in management? You bet your bottom dollar it was!

Now, the management consisted of those in the Boom generation, whereas I was a knuckle-scrubber doing the work, and this is where the problem started: they saw me as a threat.

Because I offered input just as good, if not better, and cost the company a third in terms of the pay-package, I quickly was brought into the inner-circle by the boss. But the senior management didn't see it that way, as they saw me as a direct threat to their existence, and lifestyle of business class travels, higher company car allowances, etc etc etc...

So I was put in the chiller and drowned in projects that were doomed for failure. Partly to discredit.

It worked, as the projects I was assigned to were non-starters in the first place.

That's why, I ended up working on my own, and pulled myself up.

Still I feel, I am neither here nor there.

I am in between. And right now, that's not a fun place to be.

But in the meantime, to friends reading this, I am very much part of your lives... for now at least, so let's enjoy it till it lasts!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Separating the cream from the milk... Part 2

I have been doing some reflection, as the year draws to an end.

On conducting some mental CRM, I came across a trend in my business and teams within my business.

I was analyzing the reasons why some people leave their networking groups, albeit their groups are generating referrals for them. The problem was not their groups, it was always the person. Surprised? I wasn't. Because...

The person who has a strong business, established with systems and operating smoothly, are all very much part of their networking groups. These are in fact, individuals who have been there for more than 5-years on the average. And often, these are also the movers and shakers of their groups, and are always seen behind the scenes in the leadership of their respective groups.

The problem comes from individuals whose business and operations are not in place.

I have seen this as a common denominator from the individuals who have resigned or left their networking groups prematurely. From 48 cases which I analyzed over the past week, as many as 41 fell in this category. This formed a staggering 85% of cases.

On the remaining 7 (about 15%) of those who left, left for sound reasons, such as: ill-health, change in business focus, or personal reasons.

I find these numbers both perplexing as well as alarming. I am alarmed at the number of business people who are not up to speed in the unforgiving world of business.

A business out of passion will work, however, only to a certain level, and to sustain and succeed beyond that, a serious re-look needs to be given. A proper business model needs to be designed and structured and systems need to be in place. And then comes the challenging bit of maintaining the system for consistency of operation.

I am now finding the inner-strength and inner-circle of team members who will be in a Forum to resolve this, for the benefit of the people in their networking groups.

I have done piece-meal programs in the past such as The Mastery Program, but now it is clear that a comprehensive program is needed.

And this is my own curtain call, as I myself move on to different levels and areas within my business and my career.

I hope to find solid answers in this quest.

Comments and feedback and participation is welcomed!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The best text message I sent...

I am bringing a group of people to watch This is It.

Yesterday I was at the blood bank, and struck up a conversation with an officer there, and we started talking about this movie, and to which I invited her to come along, and bring her family as well.

I was hoping she would take up the offer, and she did! She rang me this morning, and asked if the offer was still on. 'Yes, it sure is', I boomed!

And that she would like to come with her spouse and their daughter.

I said that I will book the tickets online for her and be happy to have them come along.

Once I got back, I quickly logged in the cinema webpage and made the booking, and yes, it's all confirmed.

Then I sent her an sms text as follows: 'Your ticket is confirmed for the 9pm show tonight! I will be happy to host you and your family this evening. See you real soon!'

You see, the mind is enriched by what it receives but the heart is enriched by what it gives.

I look forward sending many more such messages!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The sperm which got distracted

Sometime last week, I was having a conversation with my spouse and this topic came up: the sperm.

Our conversation was about some matters which we needed to attend to, as well as some issues from the school where she taught. Both however, were fun conversations!

On the domestic scene, my wife concluded that (in view of the current circumstance) she wasn't the cleverest sperm, however just the fastest sperm that made it to conception. Of course I agreed wholeheartedly!

'I think the cleverest sperm almost made it to conception but got distracted half-way, hence the fastest sperm regained the lead and made it'!

How we laughed!

The same sentiment was shared when we spoke about some kids from the school she teaches: that the cleverest sperms almost made it, but may have been distracted to play a Nintendo game, or something.

At times, when the going gets tough, we gotta have some sense of humour to help deal with it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This is it!

Last Saturday, I watched this show, the much anticipated This Is It, a movie on Michael Jackson's last concert rehearsal.

It took my breathe away as I absorbed it minute by minute, appreciating every moment, and learning everything possible.

Respect, admiration and love, are among the words that come to mind.

How our Michael prepares for every element in all of his shows. How hands on he is, and how he is the real master, and how he knows everything he wants.

I learnt so much from the master. 

I am still absorbing the lessons, and will watch this show another couple of times. 

Oh Michael, indeed, you have gone too soon.

God bless you. With love,

From your humble fan, brother, admirer, student.