Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The best text message I sent...

I am bringing a group of people to watch This is It.

Yesterday I was at the blood bank, and struck up a conversation with an officer there, and we started talking about this movie, and to which I invited her to come along, and bring her family as well.

I was hoping she would take up the offer, and she did! She rang me this morning, and asked if the offer was still on. 'Yes, it sure is', I boomed!

And that she would like to come with her spouse and their daughter.

I said that I will book the tickets online for her and be happy to have them come along.

Once I got back, I quickly logged in the cinema webpage and made the booking, and yes, it's all confirmed.

Then I sent her an sms text as follows: 'Your ticket is confirmed for the 9pm show tonight! I will be happy to host you and your family this evening. See you real soon!'

You see, the mind is enriched by what it receives but the heart is enriched by what it gives.

I look forward sending many more such messages!

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