Thursday, December 17, 2009

Spend some brass, make some gold!

Yesterday I had a conversation with my colleague from down south in Johor Bahru and we conversed about various matters.

In that 45-minute conversation over the phone I shared with her how I was able to secure renewals from my clients in the networking groups that I lead.

I explained to my colleague that sometime in April and May this year, there were 18 members who were due for renewal of their memberships. And by any standards, this is a high number of those due for renewal.

I recall that I had made the decision in February itself that I will invest in an incentive program to ensure that these renewals come in and on time as well, and if possible come in even earlier than the due date. Therefore, for those who renew their memberships at least 1 full calendar month ahead, I decided to present them with a gift worth RM60, which was a book published in the subject of business networking.

I ended up giving out 17 books, which worked out to RM1,020. Which meant that 17 members renewed their memberships, not only on time but at least a month earlier.

Good business? You be the judge. I definitely think so.

Yes, spend some brass, make some gold!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's that time of the month again

And it's my favourite time of the month.

My clients normally pay me mid-month, so sometime this week I will be cutting up my pizza again. Ching-ching!!

Today was also a special day as I had the opportunity to spend some time with my family and explain to my brother, after our lunch together on the 6 different holding accounts that are required to effectively manage our finances. For details, I refer you to the article I wrote a few months ago.

Smallest things make the biggest difference? You bet.

I have started and have continued this habit, and I am on my way to economic prosperity.

I invite you to join me. Examine the article, implement it and you will find your finances in harmony before long.

In the meantime, this week is 'ching-ching' week!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kindness goes a long way

Over this past calendar month, there is certain person who is a member of a referral generation group I am leading, who is always absent.

Being absent from a networking group is a big thing. By no means something to be taken lightly.

The other team members keep giving me news about this absent member and I can see their frustration and in some cases, even down right pissed at this person.

And what do you think happens to me as I receive the news from my trusted colleagues in the group. Yes, you are right, equally pissed!

So I had made a decision, that if this person still is not present in the meeting today, then that should be that, and that we should let this person go and move on. Yes you guessed right, this person didn't show. A text message to the group leader indicated that a sore-throat had incapacitated this person.

Luckily on my way out, while waiting for the elevator, another member whom I solicited his opinion suggested that I speak to this person again, out of courtesy, and still give an opportunity to this person, albeit the last time being given the chance to do so.

So I sent her a text message: 'Hi, understand that u haven't been well. Once recovered, do gv me a ring so we can converse about your membership. Let's discuss options moving ahead, as it would be shame to lose a member with a sound business like u. Aim to ring me before Friday? Thanks, Riyaz'

To which I received a reply an hour later that owing to no voice, I will be contacted upon later in the week.

Yes, it was easy to lose it and simply move on. But I think at times, we need to know when to push and when to pull.

Right now, as this group consolidates and regroups, I will pull.

And with a little kindness.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coming a long way

This morning, I attended a management meeting of a networking group where the purpose of this meeting was to oversee the administration of the group.

I was very impressed that amidst the pouring rain since 5.30am this morning, all those involved in the management team were present by 7.30am. The hot breakfast certainly helped keep everyone warm and comfortable although all would have been even more comfortable in their warm beds under a warm blanket. And yours truly included.

The team were well prepared for this meeting in all areas: review of performance, growth goals, membership issues, cash-flow and petty cash matters, education plans and goals as well as planning of events to foster greater unity among members.

It was great to note that the Membership Committee from this group are indeed red-hot to borderline white-hot in being firm with the issues surrounding memberships in the group. They were objective in their assessment of each membership in their group. All personalities were put aside. All decisions were made in the interest of the group first.

A good leadership from the group's chairperson has indeed helped the group very much.

Reflecting on this, I think it was a simple seed that was planted months ago: treat people with the respect they deserve while being affirmative on overall mission of the organization.

Today, as I myself am thriving from a series of setbacks in recent times, the energy from this team here has given me hope. They will do very well in their determination to succeed.

Yes folks, you have all come a long way. I am so proud of all you, and you know who you are!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's bigger than you think

I was having a conversation with a team leader from a group where currently things are not going well for them.

The main reasons are the undercurrents of dissatisfaction and issues among the members on both personal and their business levels.

I helped the team leader zoom in and identify the personalities who we see as the contributors to the undercurrent.

We identified 3 individuals.

Of the 3, one has an unresolved issue which needs addressing. Another has a personal-work issue which crept up in the team, and is undergoing an 'attitude-attack' so to speak. And still the last one has an ailing business in which the vibes (negative vibes) are being brought into the team.

We are in the midst of resolving these issues and on the crunch of it, both the team leader and I are so perplexed at how people can get so muddled up with their lives that they do not see beyond them.

Folks, a system or everything in life is bigger than you think. We must think with an attitude of solving issues and moving on as there always will be issues, rather than being muddled with pity-parties. Pity parties serve a purpose for a period if time and space however, in a team environment, it doesn't help one bit.

As I was winding down after a very hectic year, this thing has come up and it appears that it needs my immediate and undivided attention!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Networking education goals for 2010

I was reflecting over the happenings these past few month and have come out with a networking education goals for all the members in the Referral Generation group I lead.

In 2008, a heavy emphasis was given in Open Networking, where we taught all members to engage in effective open-ended questions to generate more business for each other.

While we have kept on revising that, I have this year, 2009, brushed up Visitor Hosting skills for all groups I lead. I believe this has generated effective results for all. Further, this has added a touch of professionalism and polish to the groups.

To ensure continued economic prosperity for all, in 2010, I am going to be focused on empowering all members with the ability of conducting effective 1-2-1 interview meetings with their colleagues in their groups so as to be able to gain deeper understanding, as well as commit to goals in giving referrals to each other.

I believe this will go a long way.

And while I come out with a written plan on this, I am certainly verbalizing it wherever I can.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Neither here nor there

Alright, this is a heavy discussion, and you will need to be up for it:

I was having a conversation with some partners about why I ended up being in their circle.

Sometime in 1997, I read a book titled: Boom, Bust, Echo, written by a Canadian researcher on human demographics and that book discussed how generations are formed and explained why the demographics existing today existed.

The book asserts that those born post World-War II are the Boomers, basically from the soldiers who returned from duty who were having a jolly time re-populating the earth. The babies from this party are called the Boom generation. In other words, those born from 1946 to 1962.

If you look at those born in this generation, you will see them as owners of large and successful businesses, CEOs of large corporations, politicians sitting in high offices.

Then, comes the Bust generation, and these are those born from 1963 up to about 1969, though those born up to 1971 can also be pooled up in the same pond.

The Boom generation started re-producing from about 1971 onwards up to mid 90s. The offsprings from them are the Echo generation.

Okay, got the framework of the discussion? Summary as follows:

Born from 1946 to 1962 are known as Boom generation.

Born from 1963 to 1971 are the Bust generation.

Born from 1972 to mid 90s are the Echo generation.

Now comes the analysis:

I am born in 1969, and am in the Bust generation.

The Boom generation sitting in high offices are still there, albeit some now planning their retirement. And when they retire, who will succeed them? Bear in mind that many have been enjoying this position for a good 10 - 15 years now in senior positions, as their careers progressed.

So now, the succession. Who will succeed these generation? Is it my generation? The Bust generation?

According to the book the answer is a sound No!

Because by that time comes to succeed the Boomers who are retiring, our age groups will be circa 41 - 49, which according to norms, are merely 10 years from our own retirement, and therefore, it is better to prepare someone who is currently below 40 years, age wise and work them up.

Therefore, the Bust generation are by-passed. Of course, there will be exceptions, in certain places and situations.

You see, I feel it in my bones that I am a talented, highly skilled individual. And I am among the best in the industry that I am in.

But will a company succession plan have me in their plans?

If your answer to this is 'Yes' then you need to re-think. Because it was a No!

During my years as a Systems Integrator in some IT firms, I was not just a mere sales-executive writing up proposals and entertaining clients in karaoke parlours in cajoling them to confirm their purchases. I was also offering to them expertise in systems, processes, and enhancements of their company operations.

I was also often providing feedback to my own company management on various elements of business such as operations, warehousing, even cash flow and vendor management. And was my input as good as those in management? You bet your bottom dollar it was!

Now, the management consisted of those in the Boom generation, whereas I was a knuckle-scrubber doing the work, and this is where the problem started: they saw me as a threat.

Because I offered input just as good, if not better, and cost the company a third in terms of the pay-package, I quickly was brought into the inner-circle by the boss. But the senior management didn't see it that way, as they saw me as a direct threat to their existence, and lifestyle of business class travels, higher company car allowances, etc etc etc...

So I was put in the chiller and drowned in projects that were doomed for failure. Partly to discredit.

It worked, as the projects I was assigned to were non-starters in the first place.

That's why, I ended up working on my own, and pulled myself up.

Still I feel, I am neither here nor there.

I am in between. And right now, that's not a fun place to be.

But in the meantime, to friends reading this, I am very much part of your lives... for now at least, so let's enjoy it till it lasts!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Separating the cream from the milk... Part 2

I have been doing some reflection, as the year draws to an end.

On conducting some mental CRM, I came across a trend in my business and teams within my business.

I was analyzing the reasons why some people leave their networking groups, albeit their groups are generating referrals for them. The problem was not their groups, it was always the person. Surprised? I wasn't. Because...

The person who has a strong business, established with systems and operating smoothly, are all very much part of their networking groups. These are in fact, individuals who have been there for more than 5-years on the average. And often, these are also the movers and shakers of their groups, and are always seen behind the scenes in the leadership of their respective groups.

The problem comes from individuals whose business and operations are not in place.

I have seen this as a common denominator from the individuals who have resigned or left their networking groups prematurely. From 48 cases which I analyzed over the past week, as many as 41 fell in this category. This formed a staggering 85% of cases.

On the remaining 7 (about 15%) of those who left, left for sound reasons, such as: ill-health, change in business focus, or personal reasons.

I find these numbers both perplexing as well as alarming. I am alarmed at the number of business people who are not up to speed in the unforgiving world of business.

A business out of passion will work, however, only to a certain level, and to sustain and succeed beyond that, a serious re-look needs to be given. A proper business model needs to be designed and structured and systems need to be in place. And then comes the challenging bit of maintaining the system for consistency of operation.

I am now finding the inner-strength and inner-circle of team members who will be in a Forum to resolve this, for the benefit of the people in their networking groups.

I have done piece-meal programs in the past such as The Mastery Program, but now it is clear that a comprehensive program is needed.

And this is my own curtain call, as I myself move on to different levels and areas within my business and my career.

I hope to find solid answers in this quest.

Comments and feedback and participation is welcomed!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The best text message I sent...

I am bringing a group of people to watch This is It.

Yesterday I was at the blood bank, and struck up a conversation with an officer there, and we started talking about this movie, and to which I invited her to come along, and bring her family as well.

I was hoping she would take up the offer, and she did! She rang me this morning, and asked if the offer was still on. 'Yes, it sure is', I boomed!

And that she would like to come with her spouse and their daughter.

I said that I will book the tickets online for her and be happy to have them come along.

Once I got back, I quickly logged in the cinema webpage and made the booking, and yes, it's all confirmed.

Then I sent her an sms text as follows: 'Your ticket is confirmed for the 9pm show tonight! I will be happy to host you and your family this evening. See you real soon!'

You see, the mind is enriched by what it receives but the heart is enriched by what it gives.

I look forward sending many more such messages!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The sperm which got distracted

Sometime last week, I was having a conversation with my spouse and this topic came up: the sperm.

Our conversation was about some matters which we needed to attend to, as well as some issues from the school where she taught. Both however, were fun conversations!

On the domestic scene, my wife concluded that (in view of the current circumstance) she wasn't the cleverest sperm, however just the fastest sperm that made it to conception. Of course I agreed wholeheartedly!

'I think the cleverest sperm almost made it to conception but got distracted half-way, hence the fastest sperm regained the lead and made it'!

How we laughed!

The same sentiment was shared when we spoke about some kids from the school she teaches: that the cleverest sperms almost made it, but may have been distracted to play a Nintendo game, or something.

At times, when the going gets tough, we gotta have some sense of humour to help deal with it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This is it!

Last Saturday, I watched this show, the much anticipated This Is It, a movie on Michael Jackson's last concert rehearsal.

It took my breathe away as I absorbed it minute by minute, appreciating every moment, and learning everything possible.

Respect, admiration and love, are among the words that come to mind.

How our Michael prepares for every element in all of his shows. How hands on he is, and how he is the real master, and how he knows everything he wants.

I learnt so much from the master. 

I am still absorbing the lessons, and will watch this show another couple of times. 

Oh Michael, indeed, you have gone too soon.

God bless you. With love,

From your humble fan, brother, admirer, student.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Taiping and Taipei connection

What's the connection between Taiping (a small industrial town in Northern Malaysia) and Taipei?

Actually, none that I know of.

Only that this morning, I attended a networking meeting where we received a guest who came from Taiping (he drove down this morning itself, and must have started his journey at 3 in the morning).

Shortly after, we received another 3 guests from Taipei, Taiwan and I believe they have been here for a few days.

The person who invited the guests from Taipei was a certain Mr. Tai from Hello Holidays, a member in this networking group.

During when the bit when guests were introduced, our Taiping guest explained that he was from Taiping.

This is when Mr. Tai got up to proclaim that his guests are from Taipei.

What's the connection?

Actually nothing.

Just that this is where the element of fun was injected into the meeting, and all present had a light moment to 'chill out' so to speak from the routines of a meeting.

It's important to have fun in the fundamentals, however, it's essential that the fun is 'powerful' fun rather than just fun for the sake of having fun.

Well done to the team. This created energies!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

You can do it, mate!

I was speaking to my nephew on-line via a Facebook chat line the other day.

Now, this is a 21 year-old young man, albeit a bit confused due to various levels of family issues.

As a typical teenager with peers who smoke cigarettes, he developed a fond liking for fags earlier on. At the divine age of nineteen, he upgraded himself to 2 full packs a day.

And this has been on going till now.

So, the other day, over a casual conversation, we spoke about various things where the smoking issue came up.

He said that he is cutting down and is down to 1.5 full packs a day.

Now bear in mind that I am in the midst of reading Scott Peck's The Road Less Travelled, which discusses at the fundamental level the behaviourism patterns of people and the role of parenting in upbringing children.

We will not go to that as it will be too deep, but suffice to say at this moment that this kid needs clear guidance on certain aspects of life disciplines, among them delayed gratification.

When he started to understand in his heart the benefits of being a non-smoker (I asserted that smoking is dead-old fashioned, and is no longer cool, in fact, many frown and are in disdain with smokers) he confessed that he really wanted to stop.

It was comforting to know that he was considering nicotine patches as part of the cessation plan.

As our conversation progressed, it appeared that he was dead serious in this, and I figured that other than professional help such as a good physician, a reliable pharmacist and parental guidance (I am thinking of enrolling his grandparents) in the team, he needed to hear the word: 'You can do it, mate!'

He needed someone to believe in him.

I will keep you posted on our progress.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Trip down memory lane: The cough, phlegm, cold and the snake oil salesman

My spouse is recovering from a bad bout of a cough, phlegm and cold. No it's swine flu. Just something triggered by an allergy and went out of control.

Which made me recall: in 2003, I too had a bad-ass cough (the type that you cough your lungs out), massive phlegm and blocked-nose from cold.

It was bad!

What made it worse was the numerous snake-oil salesmen or saleswoman.

Everyone of them had a remedy for me.

Some would come and suggest that I get myself an aromateraphy set with combination of essential oils that would miracously heal me. 'You gotta trust me on this, Riyaz' they would plead.

Still some would suggest this elixir and that supplement. 'This really works, Riyaz, and it's good for you'.

Yet, another would suggest that I invest in a brand-new water and air filtration system that would cost me 3-months of wages in total to get! 'We have easy payment plans via credit cards, y'know, Riyaz and we think it's good for you'. Of course, I thought it was a very good idea to tell them to go to hell.

The problem was that this would set me back a good couple of hundred ringgit. Almost eight-hundred for the aromatheraphy set and at least three hundred for the elixirs. Never mind about the air and water filtration systems.

I would cough harder and harder so that they would go off. And take long bathroom breaks to wear them off.

Finally, I made a trip to the local chinese medicine shop and shared my predicament with the ah-chai there.

He listened intently, and then suggested the following:

1. Menthol inhalation - by dissolving a few small menthol crystals in a bowl of boiling water, and inhaling the fumes, while covering my head using a towel.
2. A drink brewed using Loh-Hon-Ko (a dried chinese fruit), and this would get rid of the phlegm, and hence, the cough will disappear within time.

Total cost: RM5.50 for the small bottle of menthol crystals, and RM2.50 for 3 pieces of Loh-Hon-Ko. Total RM8.

And I was cured in 2-days.

Snake-oil sales wo(men), shame on you, trying to profit from a sick man!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The 2 Envelopes

Within my teams, I have a position of a group Treasurer who has official and unofficial duties.

Among the unofficial duties include the management of the group monies and petty cash for the purpose of payment to meeting venues for meals and meeting facilities.

Every member will settle his meeting dues, on a monthly basis to the Treasurer. The Treasurer will keep a master record as a paper trail.

Now when it comes to payment, the venue will prepare one bill at the end of the function/event and the Treasurer will settle this on the day itself.

Now there could be balance from this as some members may be absent, and therefore, beyond the minimum pax required to be paid for, there is no need to pay for any members not present.

Therefore this extra monies will go into another account known as the Petty Cash.

So, all in all, the SilverOcean Accounting System is the simplest in the world. You only need 2 envelopes!

Envelope 1: to keep all dues collected from the current month from members and settle the weekly bills for the current month. No one is allowed to be in arrears. If any member doesn't settle by the 2nd week of the current month, must be denied entry into the meeting. Period. No need to debate, discuss, chat, anymore. No money, no honey and in that regard, no money, no entry, literally.

Therefore, any balance from this Envelope 1 is then transferred to Envelope 2: where we hold the Petty Cash.

Simple? Very!! None of this debit, credit mumbo-jumbo!

All you need is 2 envelopes. I will provide them for you!

On the last day of the month, I will request to all Treasurers to report what is the new balance inside the Petty Cash, which is the Envelope 2. I don't want to know anything else. Hey, life is complicated enough as it is, so why complicate it further with yet another statement of account with them debit and credit shit!

And yet, I receive spreadsheets with accounting jargon of debit and credit and I cringe!

Why do I cringe? Because the bloody statement would fail to tell me the only thing I am interested in. Which is: what the hell is the balance in the Petty Cash as of the last day of the month after all weekly bills are paid.

So, I am now in the process of buying some good quality envelopes which will last at least 6-months, to co-incide with the term the Treasurers serve the team.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Feeling pregnant?

Well, the subject is just a metaphor, so don't jump: i am not pregnant neither have I made anyone pregnant, literally speaking, or ridiculing anyone who is expecting.

But this article is for the members of the Referral Generation team I am leading as to how to further grow their business by adding quality memberships in their respective groups.

Somehow the word pregnant has some relevance and let me explain how:

One of the ways to grow a group of people in a team is to conduct Visitor Days. And visitor days are all about harvesting from momentum that has been building up.

Say a group has added 10 new members in the past 2-calendar months via regular recruitment, then the group has momentum, and the group is ready for a Visitor Day.

It's a number game as follows:

Say the 10 new members each send out 40 invitation letters to their contacts as recommended.

Then, as many as 400 invitations will be out in the market place.

From this 400 invitations, a 15 percent return rate will yield to 60 visitors possibly attending a Visitors Day event.

From this 60 visitors, we can expect to receive 50 applications for membership where we can shortlist 30 applications for serious consideration. And then, up to 10 new applicants will be admitted into the group.

This will take as long as 10-weeks of work to materialise.

Numbers game.

What has pregnancy got to do with it?

Well, if your group has, say, 2 - 4 new members, then admit some more new members before attempting a Visitor Day. In this category, it is considered 1st trimester of pregnancy, and there is risk of miscarriage.

If your group has say, 4 to 7 new members, then still, admit some more to make it at least 10 -12 new members as there is momentum when issuing invitations for a Visitor Day. This is considered 2nd trimester, and we need to be careful not to deliver the baby premature.

If your group has 10 - 12 or even 13 new members, then you have carried the pregnancy to full term and now can deliver a healthy baby! Now the numbers explained above will carry.

So, remember, get fully pregnant and you'll achieve success!

Note: this article in no way takes undermines a pregnancy or intends to offend anyone. It is used purely as a metaphor.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How you do something is how you do everything.


What a powerful statement: what you do something is how you do everything.

I was attending a team meeting on Thursday where one of the members was explaining a particular scenario he experienced and how it brought this statement to life.

It is a deep subject, and something worth considerable study in the weeks to come.

So, watch out this space and we will learn more about this.

Lovely weekend, everyone!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ching-ching continues.....

Remember the money pizza, I did explain that no matter how big or small your income is (from whatever source) it is the habit that matters.

Today, I am cutting my pizza from a commission I received from an editing job.


Monday, September 28, 2009

The Westerner, the Warlord and the Money

Here's a tale of the westerner, the warlord and the money:

When a westerner opens a business in another country, particularly in the East, is when where we can learn first hand, the business models, methods, standards and business ethics from our western counterparts.

I am among those involved in this type of business and for years I have kept it simple: follow the proven model and work on it, and get inspired by learning the western no-nonsense business operations. In other words, just get on with it.

Eastern leaders often talk of emulating western standards in governments, educations system, health care, human rights, businesses, etc.

Now enter the Eastern world where during the feudal times, we were governed by feudal masters, landowners and on the occasion, a warlord.

A warlord is often a powerful figure who dominates elements and will not tolerate anyone or anything to get in the way. Violence is a possible way to dealing with dissent, whether internal or external, hence the term warlord.

And a warlord brings in the money. That's where it's all anchored.

This is where it starts to get fuzzy with the Westerner.

Because the westerner has invested money and wants to see returns quickly partly because of an exit plan, what with being in a foreign land and all.

Therefore, I have experienced a westerner would then close an eye, so to speak, and compromise on the set of standards which are the norm to him in his own domain, for the sake of money and at times, fame. Kinda reminds me of the oldest (or second oldest) profession on the earth!

Yes, this discussion is from one point of view but this view is glaring enough to expose the compromised standards adopted for the sake money and success.

In the meantime, I feel sorry for the westerner, who all in all, did try his best, but didn't insist hard enough that standards needs to be raised, so that all concerned are adding more value to the clients.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

If I were the boss...

Over a conversation with a prospective partner in my business yesterday, we discussed some plans and we also revisited how things can be more effective for us.

Then I was sharing with him, what would I do if I were the boss, as these things are not in play yet:

1. Start an office with a staff and a PA. The staff will man day-to-day operations of processing paper-work, sorting out payments, banking, and handling of various inventories. It is not a complex set of tasks, so any retired teacher/retired administration type of person can be engaged. In fact someone in their early 50s are ideal as they will be more reliable and probably have fun doing so as well.

The office will be in 3 parts: A reception cum admin area where all interaction is done with the people coming into the business, then a storage space to store merchandise, and a lounge type meeting room where all associates and partners can have interactions to share ideas and info for the betterment of the organization as a whole.

Not to mention, this will be a fully equipped office: telephones, computers, printing facilities, high-broadband internet, full pantry, and a library of resources.

2. A high performance Personal Assistant (PA) to manage all correspondence, manage websites and blogs, handle all business related matters. This will free me of answering e-mails, writing housekeeping information, organizing training classes, interacting with key people in the team as well as represent me in certain meetings.

Then I can spend time in creating the follows:

a. I will create a deeper rapport and relationship with the team of Directors who bring in the business by engaging in conversations over a spot of tea, learning about each other's goals and interests, create a fluid working relationship, have conversations to calibrate mis-focuses and deal with shortcomings. And occasionally, even having fun like visiting a bookstore to pick out new titles, going to plays, visiting networking meetings, gathering and cocktails together, attending programs together on business development, having lunches with common contacts. Of course, as a boss, I will foot all expenses!

b. I will then set goals with my PA to set meetings with key people in various corporations to promote my business and in fact, offer corporate client privileges, where a corporation can agree to take memberships in various branches in the organization in different Chapters.

c. I will spend time writing articles in blogs and websites. Update people with the latest cutting edge knowledge in business networking. This part I am already doing.

d. I will analyse information from my computer systems to identify the movers and shakers, these are individuals who bring in lots of referrals and guests to our networking meetings. I will invite them to an afternoon tea to know them better. Build relationships with them via powerful conversations about their goals and interests. And for networking. The end result is identifying talents for future growth of the organization.

Well, I can go on and on, but then I was thinking: wait a tick: shouldn't these be in place already?

No brainer in the answer.

Monday, September 21, 2009

SilverOcean Cooking: Chicken rendang

This year for Eid, I thought of preparing chicken rendang. A traditional ethnic malay dish. Doesn't need much explaining.

Here's how I did it:

My wife checked out the recipe from a Chef Wan's cook book.

We wanted to prepare 3 whole chickens (so we can share and also have enough to deep-freeze for later consumption).

We outlined the ingredients as follows:

1. Shallots or bawang ros (Indian ones, they are small, kind of a hassle to peel but very aromatic, and about 30 of them, so I cleverly left the peeling part to the wife).
2. Root ginger (about 6 inches). Use a potato peeler to peel.
3. Fresh root turmeric (about 4 inches). Ditto, use potato peeler.
4. Gallangal (known as lengkuas in Malay), about 3 - 4 inches, but I wasn't measuring.... Peel the sides using a knive.
5. Garlic about 3 whole bulbs, peeled.
6. Lemon-grass bulbs, about 9 of them. This will kick-it up!
6. Birds-eye chillies, about 10 of them, red and green.
7. A couple of table spoons of chilly paste (cili-boh).
8. About 5 - 6 pieces of candlenuts (Buah keras).

Blend these, add some water while blending to make it into a paste.

This took us about 3 whole hours to do.

Then we packed this and placed it in the fridge.

The next day, I woke up early as usual and went to the market to buy some fresh poultry. I arrived at the market at 5.30am. The bar-girls and china-dolls were just leaving the club (there's a club just a block away). But I was looking for real chickens so no worries!

I bought 4 chickens, had skin removed. The trick to having good chicken is to not put the bird in the tub of hot water to remove the feathers. Instead ask the butcher, to remove the skin as soon as the bird is slaughtered (okay, wait for it to die first, okay).

Clean chicken, remove all innards, excess fats, remove all organ meats, and chop into 12 pieces per bird.

Also buy 1.5kg of coconut cream.

Buy some keffir lime leaves (daun limau purut) and some screw-pine leaves (daun pandan).

Buy some coconut paste known as 'kerisik', and some turmeric leaves for garnishing.

Cooking method:

1. In a non-stick wok, put the paste blended yesterday and reduce it. Medium flame. This can take almost 45-minutes to an hour. Add the keffir lime leaves for aroma. Also some screw-pine leaves (daun-pandan)

2. When the water has reduced, add in the chicken. Salt to taste. A bit more salt is fine, but don't kill it with excess.

3. Add in coconut cream. By now, the dish will look light brown. Cook till chicken is almost done. When the oil from coconut cream is released, it's an indicator that the dish is ready, almost.

4. You can start tasting it, and adjust salt levels. Now, add it a couple of teaspoons of coconut paste or kerisik. And this will bring the colour to reddish-fiery brown. And add some character to the dish.

5. When almost reduced, lower the flame to small, and add garnish of turmeric leaves (fine strips). I like more of this. But go at your pace.

Switch off the flame. Let it now settle. Do not cover lid yet.

And yes, start washing up all the mess.

Rendang taste better when it has settled for a few hours, or preferably the next day.

You can re-heat it whenever you like.

Best eaten with plain white rice (hot and steaming), with some stir-fried french beans with chilly. Or just chop up some onions.

Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'll be happy to help, girlfriend!

In my line of work as a business consultant engaged by the organization BNI in Malaysia, I conduct many workshops, and in particular interest are workshops on Presentation Skills for Referral Generation, which is a very niche program I run, based on my experiences over these past 5 years.

Often, after attending a workshop, nearly all participants will be excited to improve themselves and then 'claim' that they will implement what they have learnt.


Don't let these 'claims' deceive you.

Because the very next moment, the very same participants who 'claimed' that they will improve and implement the elements learnt in the workshop will show zero improvement. In fact, there was a presentation I witnessed where the improvement was there, however, it was 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

But last week, I was pleasantly surprised that a businesswoman sent me a message requesting my assistance in helping her structure a presentation so that she can be effective.

Now, I have no vested financial interest in the success of this person, but I am a believer, among many belief systems I carry that if we go the extra mile to do something, even for no financial or material gain, then the universe will know how to add it all up and abundance will start to follow.

It is an extension from a learning system I attended in the year 2000, when I completed a program called Money & You, that if you do something either because no one else sees the need to do it, or you do so with walking the extra mile, then you are aligning yourself to your life purpose and attaining your highest good.

I like that! My life has been blessed because I implement these powerful lessons I picked up almost a decade ago from this program.

And yes, this will be equally fun because I am meeting this person during the time when I will be hooked up to a machine while donating my plasma in the National Blood Bank in 2-weeks' time.

So yes, I will be happy to help, girlfriend!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

From the wife...

Earlier today, my wife sent me this forwarded short story, which she asserted to me that I should send to my colleagues... so here goes:

Many years ago in a small Indian village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer's beautiful daughter.

So he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgo the farmer's debt if he could marry his daughter.

Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. So the cunning money-lender suggested that they let providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from the bag.

1) If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father's debt would be forgiven.

2) If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be forgiven.

3) But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the farmer's field. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag.

Now, imagine that you were standing in the field. What would you have done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you have told her? Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:

1) The girl should refuse to take a pebble.
2) The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag and expose the money-lender as a cheat.
3) The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from his debt and imprisonment.

Take a moment to ponder over the story.

The above story is used with the hope that it will make us appreciate the difference between lateral and logical thinking. The girl's dilemma cannot be solved with traditional logical thinking.

Think of the consequences if she chooses the above logical answers.What would you recommend to the girl to do?

Well, here is what she did:

The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

"Oh, how clumsy of me," she said. "But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked."

Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one. And since the money-lender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageous one.


Most complex problems do have a solution. It is only that we don't attempt to think. Start your day with this thought provoking story!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Efficient or Effective?

Yesterday, I visited a networking group and as usual, we received some guests.

But I must kick myself! These guests were registering just before I arrived. I always like to be earlier so that I can greet all guests on their arrival rather than having them greet me. Hope this is a hint to all others in the team!

But back to the topic: These guests were conversant in Mandarin, spoke little English and some broken Malay. Both were businessmen, supplying aluminium frames for domestic and commercial applications. I was referred to these guests from my colleague in Johor Bahru.

First leverage point:

I do not speak Mandarin other than: Wo ai' nee (I love you!). Therefore I requested the Chapter Chairperson to assist me to invite. And he completed the job within the hour of my request. This is efficient team work.

Second leverage point:

I requested certain members who spoke the language to host our guests.

During the sit-down part of the meeting, the Chairperson used his discretion to invite these guests to introduce themselves in Mandarin, and provided translation to all other members present.

Now, as the meeting progressed, I made a decision: am I going to be efficient or am I going to be effective?


I sent a note to the Chairperson to request him to please express in the Mandarin language, the part in the meeting where we promote membership and invite guests to take up a membership in the group.

Because it would be more effective this way.

Because if we had merely followed the scripted Agenda, we could risk these two guests feeling left out, and in the end, the promotion of the membership would be that much harder.

Hence, this meeting was conducted in 2 languages: both English and Mandarin.

From now on, all chairpersons of the meeting will have the discretion to decide which language to use, as long as we are effective. Being effective is better than being efficient. And in networking, it applies as well.

Well done to the chairperson for responding to the situation so well, albeit on such short notice. And yes, our guest, signed a membership application and is keen to be a member to give and receive referrals.

Well done to all! And yes to being effective!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The True Leader

I read a book many years ago, it was a book on profiles of successful Amway distributors. This was in the mid-90s when I was actively conducting that business.

The book started with a phrase: the truest measurement of success of a leader is who he brings with him.

I recall that phrase now, as I am faced with a situation where a colleague of mine has recently been a victim of the exact opposite of the phrase mentioned above. Although this person has accepted the 'defeat' graciously, I still think that the 'leader' should have done a better job in extending his full self in terms of energy, efforts, and more importantly, the heart, to ensure that this person succeeds.

Yes, this person has numerous short-comings. However, a true leader will work to identify various traits of those in his lead, strengthen all positives attributes and nurture traits of success.

I am saddened that this has happened. I am not able to do anything at this moment for this person, however, will offer my strong shoulders and a listening heart to understand more.

It is essential, that if you are in a position of leadership: a parent, a teacher, an up-line, a manager, a supervisor or a CEO, or even a political leader, that we realize that the truest measurement of a leader is who he brings with him to succeed equally. Then the achievement becomes more fun and meaningful. Not to mention loyalty attained in the process.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thinking on a lazy Saturday

I have been thinking after reading an excerpt from a book yesterday, the difference between having knowledge and understanding.

There are many instances where I have been caught short as a result of thinking that it too rigid (having knowledge) as opposed to fluidity in decisions and action (after understanding).

I am unsure if you get my drift here, but this is an area where I am seeking more understanding myself so I can better express myself to my team members. As importantly, enabling and empowering myself as well as my team members to the next level.

The lowest common denominators are as follows:

Making common sense into common practice - whereby an action or a decision is taken to benefit most people without having to wait for instructions or validation.

Another one is, as simply explained by futuristic architect, the late R. Buckminster Fuller (fondly known as Bucky Fuller among student of the Excellerated Business Schools) is the law of precession where if you see the need to do something, and even if no one else sees the need, then you take action anyway. This is vehicle to reaching the highest good to serve others, be they human, animals or environment.

It's going to be an exciting journey for me and my team members.... this is beyond what they would expect from their business relationships with me, but then, this is something that I see the need even if they don't yet. I am serving to achieve my highest good.

Thinking on a lazy Saturday is good!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The wonderful phone call

Some days are often better than others.

Yesterday was one better day where I received a phone call from a new member in one of the referral groups I am leading.

He said: 'Riyaz, I am not sure if I have done the right thing'.

'What's going on?' I enquired.

'Is it okay if I invite my company secretary and accountant firm manager to visit our group tomorrow? Will it cause the present member (who is the accountant) to get upset?'

'Not at all, in fact it will be a good networking experience for your accountant friend'.

'Yes, that's what I was thinking, he could be a customer to some of our members there. That was the plan, and I called you to enquire if this is okay'.

And then we spent a few minutes conversing on various matters.

More importantly, I was so pleased and impressed with this person's initiatives.

So, I consider this as the wonderful phone call for the day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ching-ching continues - always pay yourself first

Tomorrow, I'll be paying myself.

I should have done it on Friday last week, but was caught short on time. So, Monday it is.

I have to pay myself first. And so should you. Pay yourself first.

Tomorrow, I shall be visiting my bank and adding to my investment account, which holds my Financial Freedom Account. Like all previous time, as soon as the transaction is completed, I'll say it aloud 'Ching-ching!' although it is to the amusement of the officer and other customers.

Hey, when you add to your Financial Freedom Account, it's time to celebrate! And what better way than to do so with a loud sound of 'Ching-ching!!'.

And then I will also add to my Long Term Saving for Spending (LTTS) account. This account holds money for things big-ticket items I desire such as a new flat-screen TV in time for next year's FIFA 2010 World Cup, a new lazy chair to sit on while watching Mishal Husain on BBC, and even a new ergonomic spine friendly chair that I use to work.


And I will also add a deposit to my Education account. Thus, I will have monies available when I intend to buy new titles of books, or travel for a conference abroad. Birmingham is calling me in 2010 for a European BNI Directors Conference, a space I really learn new distinctions for my BNI business.

I discovered that cutting out this money pizza is a discipline. Something done deliberately. At every moment money comes in for whatever purpose: salaries, commissions, windfalls, profits.

This round of deposits I am making is from monies derived from my sales commissions and from profits from sale of books.

No amount is too big or too small. What's important is the habit.

I am cutting my money pizza, and it's fun. I see a bright future for myself. I hope to see you bright in my bright future.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What time do you start work?

Sounds like a trick question, but it's not.

I was speaking to a group of business people at a networking meeting this morning.

Because it was raining, many were either late or didn't attend at all.

I explained to all that, say for example, you have a potential client who want to meet you at 3pm today. What time would you be at this meeting this client? Almost all answered slightly earlier than 3pm.

Exactly right!

If it was raining, or if your car was blocked by an idiot who double parked (this happened to me sometime back), what would you do?

All answered that they would get there anyhow, and in the event of their car being blocked, even take a cab to the client meeting.

Why? Because it is work.

Then I explained that in a networking environment, it is no different from work.

Networking is work. Literally, the word Network is Net-WORK.

So when networking, get there on time or earlier to assist where you can.

Today, many people discovered that at least one day in a week, you start work at 6am!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Influenza A (H1N1) only spreads during office hours

It was reported on Malaysia Kini news portal that so far, 26 deaths were reported owing to H1N1, with the last 8 deaths within the past 24 hours itself. An upward spiral in numbers.

Now here's my part of the story:

I was away to Hat Yai for a short R&R trip, for some shopping and a long train ride, something I enjoy very much.

On the return journey, our train was scheduled to leave Hat Yai at 2.20pm local time, or 3.20pm Malaysian time (we are an hour ahead). The journey from Hat Yai to Padang Besar (our side of the border) where the CIQ (Customs, Immigration, Quarantine) is located takes about 55 minutes.

Importantly, as part of Influenza A (H1N1) control, we were given forms to be filled out, and be screened by our local health officers at the border on arrival, and be given health advise briefing, etc.

But then the Thai State Railway were out of locomotives so our journey was delayed by 2-hours! Which means that we left Hat Yai at 4.40pm local time and yes, you worked it out by now, 5.40pm Malaysian time. The Thai locomotive that eventually pulled us to Padang Besar did speed up and I believe we arrived Padang Besar in 40-minutes. So we arrived at 6.20pm Malaysian time to Padang Besar.

In a similar trip made in 2003, when the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) scare was in force, the first order of business on arrival at Hat Yai was health screening.

But this time, we were told to clear immigration first: yes get that passport stamped and officially leave Thailand. Then proceed to the Malaysian immigration counter to check-back into Malaysia.

Alright, so when was the H1N1 screening was going to take place?

You think it was the next order of business, right? Wrong!

Straight to Royal Customs and as usual the custom officers were pretty jolly in asking us boisterously, 'Can you please open your bags?'

To which I asked: Do we get screened for H1N1 now?

The reply from the jolly officer was very animated: 'Oh, ko punya train mai lambat, depa dah balik dah!'

Yes, the 'pegawai kesihatan' went back because the train was delayed.

I asked in jest: 'Kenapa Kastam tak balik dulu, tau-tau lah dah lambat ni?'

And then came in the reply I already expected: 'Kita dah biasa dah kerja sampai lewat. Itu orang klinik tak biasa, kot?'

Yes, the immigration, customs and border police were all there, albeit wearing a mask, but our health officers were not. And is it any wonder why this H1N1 thing is spreading so rapidly?

So, the morale of the story is, H1N1 only spreads during office hours, in Malaysia at least.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Working a 'To Do List' Backwards

In view of a short R&R trip I am taking this later week, there was tons of work to complete by Wednesday evening.

Therefore, yesterday early morning, I wrote out my 'To Do List' of all the work I needed to complete by Wednesday.

I must admit it was daunting at first. I was overwhelmed.

But an idea struck me:

I started doing all the work which was due only on Wednesday and worked backwards.

To my amazement, by lunch time yesterday (Monday), I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

In fact by 3pm on Monday, all work for the entire week was complete!

I took the opportunity to spend some time conducting some housekeeping and even had time to spend on me Facebook!

I got it: next time when there's much to do with little time, work backwards!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Shorter week this week!

It is a short week this week for me as I have planned a short R&R trip, by train to Hat Yai. My wife wants to get some shopping done there, so, I thought it would be a good opportunity to get away for a while.

But then, the shorter time available till Wednesday, means more work is compressed into that space of time. And I need to deliver without compromising quality!

For my BNI Business:

I am due to make no lesser than 18 phone calls this morning itself. A majority of them would be to follow-through on the guests who visited Suria Chapter last Tuesday.

A few are prospecting calls. Followed by a phone conversations with the Membership Officers from Alliance and Suria.

I have some banking work for the company which needs to be done as well, and later to instruct the forms of some applicants to be processed.

For Supreme Chapter, I am chairing the meeting this week while getting as many roles in that Chapter operating as we move along. By next week, the Chapter needs to run on its own by it's own members.

For Ampang Chapter, a regular management meeting later today to sort out some issues.

Ramadan is also around the corner in August, so, I have to announce the meeting dues for members who are fasting. Gosh, another phone call to a meeting premise manager!

Lastly, to organize a Chapter growth sessions for all Chapters, and this will be done via team-phone calls. All members will be encouraged to participate to invite their contacts to their Chapters for a Visitor Day for the purpose of adding at least 6 new members.

My Business Consulting practice:

This week, I am meeting my client for the purpose of completing her company mission statement.

I will also have to send in an invoice for two on-going projects done in July. Ching-ching!!


Lots to do before I leave. This includes concluding a spring cleaning of my study room.

I can't wait to get on that train! Have to leave for the station by 6.30pm on Wednesday

Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday morning blues. Friday evening Midsomer Murders.

Lately, I have come across some guests who ask me: ‘can I visit the other Chapter first?’ when I give them a ring to follow-up with them on promoting your Chapter.

I usually cringe at this question. Luckily this is a conversation over the phone, so the guest cannot see my facial expression. But I feel like murder! Not murdering the guest, but the member who has exposed the guest to an unnecessary element.

I wonder, how did they know of the ‘other Chapter’?

Let me share a story:

When I was 18 years old (after my Form Five, awaiting exam results), I was working in a Charles Jourdan boutique as a sales trainee.

At that time, in 1986, Charles Jourdan was a new brand-name in high fashion ladies handbag. And there were so many outlets selling the same product at that time.

But if a customer wants to plan to purchase one, did you think I said to them, ‘why not you visit the other outlets firsts?’

Of course I did not. Because, I wanted to close that sale in my branch, where my sales quota were measured.

Why would I be foolish to send them to another branch?

Yet, precisely, that’s what’s happening right now.

When a visitor arrives at your Chapter, do promote your own Chapter, and only your own Chapter. There’s no need to mention about ‘other Chapters’.

Avoid opening conversations about: ‘Oh, there’s another Chapter is so and so area. Oh, you can substitute in other Chapters’.

What is the relevance of all this in as far as the guest is concerned? The guest is invited to explore a co-operation with you and your PowerTeam, in your own Chapter. The visitor joins a Chapter, just like you did. You joined a Chapter. Not BNI. Your membership is with a Chapter (in BNI’s brand name or course).

Why expose a potential customer to buy from other branches when the transaction can be concluded in your own? Where your own referrals are at stake. If this guest joins another Chapter from your eager conversations of ‘other Chapters’ then it’s your loss. Because then they are members of that Chapter and their referrals are now going to be channelled there, not to your own Chapter.

Always engage with the guests: We really want to exchange referrals with you. Here’s our PowerTeam members who can refer you. Do you see how we can work together? Do you have contacts you can refer to us? We are exchanging lots of referrals between us, do you want to be part of it as well? We really want (their profession) on board this Chapter. We have referrals for you. Have we found this person or should we still be looking.

Promote your own turf! Be smart about this.

Do you send a prospect who came to your shop to buy a product or a service to a competitor? In gods name, I hope you don’t.

Yes, in the context of referrals, the other Chapters are your competitor, actually. How foolish to send a prospect to your competitor! Do you think the other Chapters are sending their guests to your Chapter? I have not seen one, unless co-ordinated by the Chapter BNI Directors, and don’t think I will, because everyone needs to protect their own turf.

That’s the reason why, during Visitor Days, we DO NOT ALLOW, members from another Chapter visiting, or even substituting. This is a closed-affair.

The last thing we want is that a member brought a visitor (which takes an effort) and then have this member from another chapter unnecessarily engaging or exposing the guest to another branch or Chapter.

So, the message here is: be smart, think of your Chapter first.

Remember, a person joins a Chapter, not BNI.

There’s a saying: ‘Charity begins at home’

Unless for a strategic reason, which is situation closely arranged by your Chapter LT and me as your Chapter Mentor, for now, do engage your guests to purely encourage them to be a part of your own Chapter.

Only after a clear level of co-operation, which is normally between a Director to Director, where we have a clearer understanding of each Chapters’ needs, do we cross send guests for mutual growth.

If in doubt, always, you can ask for my assistance. I will be happy to help.

I really want to grow your Chapters for your own prosperity.

In the meantime, just so you know, I am in the midst of rescuing 2 guests who now insists on visiting ‘other Chapters’ because they have been exposed to it quite unnecessarily. And it’s such an energy draining exercise, where that energies could be put to use in mentoring, developing new contacts, etc.

Now to connect the dots: Do you all understand the essence of this communication? Please send to me your thoughts.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I am cutting my pizza, you should too!

I am picking up from my last few series on Money Pizza.

If you haven't read that article, then please do so now, before proceeding with this article as this article here is a build-up on that.

Hopefully, by now you have been persuaded to follow the footsteps of rich people on money strategy. And if you are, and I sincerely hope so, then here's a follow-up on that line of teaching.

Have a separate account for each of the categories or jars. While it may not be feasible or even practical to have a jar to keep the monies, it is essential that you have 6 different holding accounts to hold the funds for each individual applications.

So far, here is what I have done:

1. For my Financial Freedom Account, I always had an account running for years. So, I am continuing to hold the funds for this purpose in this account. This is a high-yield account that pays at least 8% per annum for all the funds in it. From time to time, whenever I find suitable investments that will become my golden goose, then I will utilise funds from this account. But never to be used for any other purpose. Not even in emergencies.

2. Today, I re-activated a dormant investment account to feed my Long Term Savings for Spending funds. Now, I can clearly see where my new flat-screen plasma TV is going to come from, just in time for the FIFA's 2010 World Cup! Remember, for some who may be in an unfortunate credit-card debt (as a result of being ignorant about money matters) then you can use funds from this account to pay yourself out of jail.

3. Today, I opened a new savings account (with internet access) to house my Education Fund where I will use this funds to invest in my education, for example purchase of books, CDs, enrolment in courses, conferences and seminars to sharpen my business skills and my brush up my professional skills. I was speaking to a musician last week, and mentioned to her that when Kitaro, the Japanese musician is conducting a course in say, Singapore, then this funds can be used to attend that course, if indeed it helps her career as a musician.

4. For my Necessities, I already have a current account with both cheque book and internet access, so I am fine in this.

5. Next week, I will be opening another account for my Play fund. And I promise to play hard!

6. For my Gift fund, I will now, use the cookie jar, for the fun of it.

Go ahead, go get your money matters sorted. And share your experiences with me!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Connect the dots..... It eliminates uncertainty

Earlier this month, I wrote about stupidity and connecting the dots where I had a run in with some people who find it difficult to make common sense to become common practice.

The solution in these situation always is to : connect the dots.

This demands that people in leadership to clearly connect the dots to ensure that the rest of the team members know what is going on inside an organization.

I will give an example of an event last Friday, where in that particular referral generation group there was a change in personnel in the team.

Apparently a member had resigned and within a very short space, another person in the same business category took over the position in that group.

When this new person was introduced as a member, it wasn't earlier disclosed that the previous person had resigned, and that we are now introducing this new person to take over the position.

Verbatim can be: 'Hi, all members please note that our friend, Angie has now resigned from this group owing to heavier family commitments and hence the classification of Insurance in this group is open. In the meantime, we wish our friend Angie, all the best and wish her well and we will value her contributions and friendship always'.

Then give this some time to sink in. In fact, I am of the opinion that the new person need not be sworn in right away although this new person is already ready. In the context of a referral group, it is not a matter of life and death. So, let's take our time. I think one week of time is just nice.

Give it a week. Let this sink in. Let the dust settle. This will start a series of dots.

Now, conclude and connect all the dots the following time space that a new person to fill in the open classification has been found and that we will introduce him now.

This way, all the dots are connected.

This prevents anyone who is often blur... to take his time to connect the dots in his mind.

We must always never assume, not because it makes an ass out of you and me. It is because, it was the fastest (but not the cleverest) sperm that made it to conception.

So, to all the sperms out there, we need to connect the dots.

Guess that will be the title of my next book.

Hope this helps. I appreciate and welcome your experiences and comments.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Richest Man in Babylon

My last article discussed how to have a winning strategy about money.

It was picked up from a program I attended last month. Do read that article now, to catch up with this one, if you haven't already.

The line of thinking adopted in that program was taken from this book: The Richest Man in Babylon.

Suffice for me to say that I was in heavy credit-card debts with almost no savings to my name when I first read that book. The book gave me hope, and more importantly, gave me practical ideas I could implement right away. Yes, right away.

I straight away implemented the first lesson in the book: Start thy purse to fattening and the rest as they say, is history.

Very valuable and practicable the lessons were in this book.

I ask you to go get your copy from your favourite bookstore, and buy half-a-dozen of them.

Keep one for your self and the rest is given away as presents: birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, even weddings, what have you. Forget that bottle of fragrance.

Read this book cover to cover within the first day of buying it. I can almost guarantee you that you will not put this book down.

Thereafter read it every other week, and at least once a month for 2-years. I read this book again last month after 2-years and still picked up distinctions from it.

Let all the lessons sink in. Absorbed. And then implement one lesson at a time. These lessons and practices must be right down to our DNA, to be passed on to the next generation.

A certain Kiyosaki bloke can eat his heart out, but this book, The Richest Man in Babylon is a class on its own. Because you can implement the lessons right away, and yes, I mean right away, you will be encouraged to take progress.

I am deeply enriched by book, and I now with gratitude share this book with you.

Yes, be the richest man!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Money Pizza

Last month, I attended a program: The Millionaire Mindset Intensive conducted by a successful event management company. The program was conducted by a certain T. Harv Eker, an Irish bloke who is now living in North America. Obviously a successful and wealthy bloke.

His partner, who spoke on the first 2-days in that program taught everyone how to be powerful about money.

And it's like my favourite food and topic this month: Pizza.

So here goes:

The concept here is: Pay Yourself First.

After every incoming money from whatever source, like salaries, commissions, bonuses, even profits if you are business person, or a windfall of some kind (think of a lottery, lucky-draw, contest, competition prize money), the monies must be strategically placed in separate jars (yes, the cookie jar) until a habit has developed. And eventually, for practicality purposes, in separate bank accounts.

The monies are divided using the following ratios:

  • The First 10% is placed in an account labelled as : Financial Freedom Account. This is then used to buy investments that will yield either residual or capital growth or better still, both. This money is for this purpose only. And never touch this money to pay a debt, or an expense, or even use it in emergencies. NEVER. All right, got it. So what about the balance 90% of the money.
  • The next 10% is placed in an account labelled as: Long Term Savings for Spending. Yes, as the name suggests, it is a Long Terms Savings for Spending. Example: accumulate in this jar to make big ticket items purchase such as a Flat-screen TV, high quality water-filtration devise for the home, plan a renovation of the home, decorations, etc. It is saved for the purpose of spending. You can also use this fund to pay off a credit card or a nagging student loan, if it helps you bring more peace of mind.
  • Now there's a balance of 80%. Therefore the next 10% is now placed in this jar called: Education Account. Use this money to buy books, video or audio materials on enhancing your life skills, or career skills. Even to attend a Conference, Seminar or a course on development of one-self or for a professional skills enhancement.
  • For all our necessities in living such as rentals, mortgages, car-payments, fuel, groceries, utilities, clothing, children's schooling expenses, we allocate 55% of funds for this purposes. And if we cannot live in this amount, then a simplification of life is necessary, and yes, cut out that high-speed broadband for an entry level broadband. Yes, scale down the fuel consumed, yes, eat cheaper. Use less resources and live within this budget. Then think of ways to increase earnings so that this budget can be higher.
  • Total now is 85%. So there's 15 percent to go. The next 10% is for our PLAY jar. Yes, to play! Yes, go for that massage, spa, picnic with money where your family can enjoy riding on motor-boats, have a barbecue. In other words, nurture the person doing all the work. The rule is that this jar must be empty by month end! Enjoy!
  • And the last 5% is for our Give purpose. Is there a purpose that we support: do you like sponsoring books for the disabled child in your neighbourhood, or contribute comics to your community center, or support a cause such as autistic child centers, or buying a hearing aid for someone in need, etc... you get the idea?

Yes, it sounds simple but is it easy to do? Not necessarily, unless there is a decision and an action.

I don't know about you, but I think this is damn good advise and I have started following it.

I used to have my own method along this line after reading the book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason, however, this method by this Harv-Eker chap seems more far-fetched and will yield long term results.

So, as this month comes to a close, start a strategy to implement this. Contact me for more conversations and ideas, if you need.

Hmmm.. pizza seems to taste better and better!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The fastest (but highly stupid) sperm keeps haunting

Today, I would like to follow up on an article I wrote a few weeks ago.

It's about the sperm.

The fastest but highly stupid sperm. The sperm that made it to conception purely on brute strength. The sperm which is expected to be smart, but simply cannot be, as it is not. Period.

Today, I came across some of these sperms.

I am dealing with: (some are sensitive in nature, hence I will be generic)

  1. People who don't understand the power of simplicity. This morning I came across some people who do not understand decorum. Saying the right thing at the right time for the right reason. Too much of verbiage to express a simple idea that the verbose was killing the environment.
  2. Individuals who cannot think, who cannot analyse or question why is a certain thing done in a certain way. But they are happy to just do it, so long as the job gets done. Never mind the consequence. If only they are dealing with their own money or time or resources.

I was fuming... Wanted to kill... oh god, gods, jesus, allah, lord, ya ali ya hassan ya hussain whatever puckish power's that in charge... is this your creation? Is this the best you can do?

What made it worse was a nurse in the blood bank, who after I had completed my blood letting, just plastered the site without even looking if she's doing it right.

In people's mind they are doing it. But do people stop and think, am I doing it right? What's the point of doing something if you have to re-do it again, or worse, if your doing-ness for the sake of doing caused grief, or loss to another person.

Right now, I am too exhausted to dwell on this. But we will pick this up again. It is a mission worth pursuing for the betterment of human beings. And my sanity, of course. My sanity is worth this cause.

I have written to my guru, DC Cordova is her name, the principal of Excellerated Business Schools to give me some tips and coaching on how to enable and empower people to make common sense into common practice.

So, here's to the fastest (but highly stupid) sperm: your days are numbered! I am on to you, you MF!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Had a pizza lately?

If you have had your favourite pizza lately, then good for you. It's one of my favourite foods, especially on a certain Monday night.

But there's another pizza that needs to be looked at.

If you are in business, then this pizza is very crucial to your business.

It is a pie-chart (I'll use the term pizza from now on) that clearly displays where your business is coming from.

Every business must have 3 pizzas:

First pizza: clearly displaying the revenues from each different type of service your business offers.

Example: if you are running an optometrist business, then you need to list all your revenue sources by categories, such as: prescription glasses, contact lenses, contact lenses liquids and support, repairs, designer frames, spare-parts, etc.

Then use whatever tools, like spreadsheet or import the data from your accounting software and create a pizza to clearly see where is your revenue coming from, categorically.

Create another pizza. The second pizza, this time display profits after costs for each category.

You will by now see a trend taking place in your business. You'll clearly know (if you haven't by now) what are the areas to focus and emphasis on. Or how to enhance another area that is lagging behind.

Still, create another pizza: this time to display all your business costs and expenses, such as salaries, maintenance of equipment, rentals, supplies, overheads such as utilities.

Last pizza, display where your leads are coming from. This will give you an idea on how to plan for your prospecting and emphasising your strategies to create new clients from specific sources or categories.

I am now in the process of coaching a client to analyse her business this way, and it has given her a clarity like nothing before.

I am attracted to a phrase from the book, The E-Myth Revisited, that a successful business is all about the numbers involved in the business. Numbers define the business like nothing else. Everyone who is an owner of a business needs to know his numbers on the tip of fingers. And all numbers are indication to the health of the business and future prospects of the business.

Just like how our doctor is reading our blood pressure or blood glucose numbers, every business person need to be able to read the numbers in her business the same way.

So, the book, The E-Myth Revisited is a must for all business people.

A note on the book: this is not a book that you buy and read once and then place it on your book shelf to show-off to your friends that you read.

This book needs to be read over and over again. Implement a section in your business at a time, starting with the simpler ideas. Then build it up by implementing the ideas in the more complex areas of your business.

It will take no less that 10 readings over a 2-year period, but it's a worthwhile investment. After all, there's no short-cut to anywhere worth going.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rene Ooi, I respect you!

So, I was busy the whole morning making phone calls. And I wasn't the only one making cold-calls.

A young girl, or shall I say a young sales-woman, Rene Ooi is her name from a certain big-strong-friendly bank, called me. From Penang, as seen from the caller ID on my phone.

Of course, it was a cold-call. Rene and I haven't met, yet alone have been connected prior to this morning.

She gently introduced herself and enquired if I was looking for a loan - RM150k at 8.5% she said, and it's the lowest in the market.

Since I don't have much use of that kind of money for now, I politely declined but asked her how did she come to know me? Did someone refer me?

'Oh, through the internet, search engines!'

So impressive! So creative. And more importantly, so brave.

Of course, being a person with a soft spot for the ladies, I started falling for this Rene!

She sent me her contact details, and it's a goal: I am going to engage this Rene to work with me in the near future.

But in the meantime, if anyone needs a loan, do let me know, and I will happily connect you to my darling from that big-strong-friendly bank in Penang!

Rene Ooi, I respect you!

Weekly Plan: July 13 - July 18, 2009

Here goes a hectic week ahead:

  1. Follow-up on 2 cold-call leads for placement in Ampang Chapter based in Cheras. (Travel Agency and Office Furniture company).
  2. For Alliance Chapter, follow-through on Ms. Liane Lim, for General Insurance Category, at her office on Tuesday, July 14. Visitor Hosts will accompany me to this orientation.
  3. E-mail to Alliance LT on various issues.
  4. Organize a prospecting and cold-calling session on Wednesday, July 15.
  5. For Supreme Chapter, follow-up with Ian, the will writer, Melysa and her fiancee and broadcast to all members on meeting and guest invitations.
  6. Prepare 2 clients for coaching session to prepare customer bases and revenue centers.
  7. Suria Chapter: follow-up on a real-estate agent lead.
  8. Prospect leads given by Lai from Penang.
  9. Meet Supreme 10 members on Friday evening. May invite Missy for this session as well.
  10. Conference call with Tim Kidd on Thursday, July 16, for BNI LT Day preparation. Tim's coming this time round!

According to Belinda, my fengshui consultant, now till 10.15am is the right time to do important things, so, I'll get on with all this now.

Updates later!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nine-M-Bravo-Echo-Junior (Flight 9M-BEJ)

As you know, I was scheduled to fly (or rather, I should say: co-pilot) a two-seater plane last Saturday.

So, after having a couple of beers and a few servings of wine the night before, I awoke at 6.30am and looked out the window. The clouds were thick. And at 7am it started drizzling. And by 7.30am it was pouring.

I thought that that was the end of my flying gig because I remember the organizer clearly mentioning to me that plenty will depend on the weather on the day.

Rain stopped by 8am. And by 8.30am, the cloud broke and the sun started to come out.

9am: Received the call... and yes, it was on!

Quick shower, dressed and was on my way to the airport.

I was surprised at how fast things happened after arriving at the guard house at the far end of the airport.

Once in, filled out some paper-work, and provided contacts of a next-of-kin in case of an emergency as usual (don't you hate this part!) and within minutes I was seated in the aircraft. No parachutes. No lessons, just the pilot, who was busy setting flight path plans with the control tower.

A quick handshake and he said: 'First time?' I nodded. Before I could ask about the parachute, he received radio message that we are good to go. The door was shut and he fired up the engines and throttled up and the 'motor-boat' sounding engine was roaring and off we went.

Must say that at times, I felt like, err, can we call this off? But the pilot was so cool, and confident. And he said to me that he'll let me have the con in the air.

Now, that's the way. Just do it!

I have some pictures to share.

Many thanks to my pals who were calling and sending non-stop text messages. I could have answered but was too busy flying... and didn't want to risk being reprimanded by the real captain!

Enjoy the pictures.

One day soon, we'll fly together and have some fun!

And to my princess in Cheras, I discovered a new and creative way to kidnap you!

Nine-M-Bravo-Echo-Junior, requesting permission to take-off! It does have a ring to it, doesn't it!