So, there you have it.
In the meantime, I rang up this (idiotic) person. I didn't go to see at the end, but I am sure he had peed his pants!
It is the smallest things that we do that will make the biggest difference. So, let's get on with it!
All in all, we will end up shorlisting 12 applicants where we can send out invitations for memberships. And these are the real 'prospects'. The other applicants were merely traffic.
Learning to differentiate between the two is essential in any business person's ability and skill set.
Following up:
It is essential that all the genuine prospects are given a phone-call to thank them for coming. Also, ask them which was the best part of the meeting which they liked. Get them responding. Open ended questions is the key.
Then, depending on this enthusiasm, ask if they would like to come on board to join the group.
Complete the process by sending a written e-mail outlining the conversation.
And then comes the most important part: follow-through.
Follow Through:
This means concluding a conversation or a process, with a person until a final result is achieved, or until a final decision is made.
Many average business people lose their sales within this critical zone or space. They think that by simply following up, the entire process will be sufficient. But in actual fact, it is the follow through that will determine the end result.
Always follow through, no matter how delicate, intricate or complicated the matter is at hand. Grow inner strength.
At the end, this will separate the cream from the milk, and man from boys!
Be a man, so that you can enjoy the cream!